Rotorua Ziplines slope stability

Client: Rotorua Ziplines
Project Duration: 2021
Location: Ōkere Falls, Pay of Plenty

The Project

Rotorua Ziplines is located in the Ōkere Falls Scenic Reserve, an area blanketed in dense native forest. The Kaituna River has carved itself deep into the welded ignimbrite rock, creating dramatic cliffs and steep slopes - the perfect location for a zipline! Suspended timber structures were constructed at key vantage points for take-off and landing platforms, with boardwalks traversing the slopes to allow undisturbed passage between ziplines.

Our role

HD Geo was engaged to assess the slope stability of the take-off and landing platform locations. One of our slope stability specialists conducted a site inspection, mapping the area to identify geological features that could influence slope stability. Based on our assessment, we provided practical recommendations to manage and mitigate potential instability risks.

The Results

The now fully operational Rotorua Ziplines offers a safe and exhilarating experience for visitors while blending seamlessly with the natural landscape. Our geotechnical input helped ensure the long-term stability of the structures, minimizing risk and contributing to a sustainable tourism venture that benefits the local economy.


Visy Packaging Facility


Waiatarua, Auckland – Micropile and soil nail system